The Masonic Order
Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and Eve. They claim that the fig leaves were symbolic to the aprons that are worn in their initiation ceremonies. Also they claim that freemasons built Solomon's Temple and the tower of Babel.
Also Known as "The Order of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, Symbolic Craft, Craft Masonry"
The True Origin
The lodge is traced back to London, England in 1717. It is believed that James Anderson set up the constitution.
In 1717, Anderson along with George Payne and Theopholips Desaguliers, came together to form the first Grand Lodge. It is said that the lodge was birthed in a Tavern! Good place to start a Godly organization isn't it?
The lodge comes to America!
The first official lodge was St. John's, Boston Mass. July 30, 1733. The first American born lodge was founded in Savannah, Georgia in 1734. During the 1800's, several thousand lodges sprang up all over the country. It pulled political strings back then just as it does today.
Many famous people were and are masons, including 15 Presidents and 19 vice-presidents. There are hundreds of masons in high government positions today!!
In the 1800's, a man named William Morgan opposed the masons and started passing out anti-mason tracts, telling about the secrets and rituals. He disappeared in 1826 and was never heard from again. Hummmm!
Masons are also part of the New World Order. They serve as a recruitment tool to hide the goings on of satanic leaders. See the links below to find out more about the New World Order.
No one but Jesus is worthy to be called Master!! Masons are instructed to lie for a fellow brother in a court case. If the case is murder, it is left up to the individual to decide how to act. Is this Godly? Many police officers, judges, mayors, lawyers etc. are involved. How can some one who claims to be a Christian turn a head while corruption is all around them? I will tell you how, they are not Christians, they are of Satan!!
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